Owners are supporting our mission of doing insightful and incisive journalism on issues. They are not buying any special consideration we would not afford other sources. Board members, by the same token, have incredible responsibility over the governance and organization of the Nebraska Journalism Trust. While we’re grateful for these two important roles, we must take measures to insulate the journalism from our business operations, in much the same way legacy news organizations have long kept a firewall between similar roles.
With this in mind:
We will not show stories to donors or board members prior to publication.
Board members and institutional donors should not pitch story ideas to editorial staff. The first contact for journalistic discussions should be the executive director, not an editor or staff member. If staff is approached by a board member or institutional donor, they should direct the conversation to the executive director.
Flatwater Free Press stories will disclose relationships with board members or major donors (above $5,000 in a year) in any stories that involve those subjects.
Publisher- Aminul Islam
Office: Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216.
📞 01911-212968